Project status or commitment tracking procedures address, manage and communicate project time frames, maintain project schedules, introduce concurrence within and across all schedules, communicate and identify the critical path, identify ownership / responsibility of project deliverables, monitor project evolution ad report on variance (Plan-Forecast-Actual).
Reports are generated to accommodate levels of expectation. Frequency and reporting formats can be customized to address the detail or expectation required. ORION will administer and distribute a summary report from an organizational perspective that communicates percentage of completion and variance from plan, for review, action and/ or authorization. Project data queries for control or forecasting are available at the team's discretion.
Frequency and reporting formats are customized to address the detail or expectation required.
Reports are generated to accommodate levels of expectation. Frequency and reporting formats can be customized to address the detail or expectation required. ORION will administer and distribute a summary report from an organizational perspective that communicates percentage of completion and variance from plan, for review, action and/ or authorization. Project data queries for control or forecasting are available at the team's discretion.
Frequency and reporting formats are customized to address the detail or expectation required.