Problems With Data Gathering
“Organizations can typically expect a 10% error rate in manual data entry due to typing and transcribing errors.”
Source: Striving to Achieve 100% Data Accuracy: The Challenge for Next Generation Asset Management
“85% accuracy rate for tracking IT assets is above average and a 90-95% rate is exceptional.”
Source: Survey of the International Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM) members
What is the impact of a 10% error rate in a large data centre?
Source: Striving to Achieve 100% Data Accuracy: The Challenge for Next Generation Asset Management
“85% accuracy rate for tracking IT assets is above average and a 90-95% rate is exceptional.”
Source: Survey of the International Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM) members
What is the impact of a 10% error rate in a large data centre?
- 8,000 servers
- As many as 800 of the servers will have inaccurate data
The Cost of Unused Servers
Alliance to Save Energy survey 2009
A server drawing 400 watts costs $701/year in electricity (assumes PUE of 2.0 and $0.10/kWh)
Courtesy No Limits Software 2011