DCiM Attributes - Typical
Visualize Floor Map
The data centre floor map is linked in real-time to the AutoCAD® or Visio® floor plan. Any changes made to the CAD background are immediately visible and recognized as new objects. Users can define their own custom views for quick access to their resources. A management dashboard offers several color - coded charts to easily view heat and power load distributions as well as data network and cabinet resources throughout the data centers. Visualize Item and Port Trace Once the cabinet elevation is visualized, different extensive views can utilized to drill down on item and port details. By simply clicking on an item in the cabinet view, a detailed image of the item is presented depicting all ports with dynamic labels. This image can be changed to front or rear views with a single click. The end-to-end circuit map of a port is visualized by clicking on a port label for further drill down. Cabinets Asset Management In this screen, the user manages the cabinet location assignment and can easily and quickly view its contents both visually and in text format. This eliminates the need to maintain separate drawings in third-party applications such as AutoCAD or Microsoft Visio®. This screen provides a quick summary of the cabinet’s network and environmental metrics such as network ports, power usage, heat dissipation, and weight. Data Cabling Items In this screen, the user can manage the cable infrastructure as it is installed in the data center. Cable panels can be any size and can be assigned to any rack unit or to positions above or below the cabinet. Panels can be any size and can be assigned to any rack unit or to positions above or below the cabinet. Power Distribution Management Complete management of the power infrastructure in the data center. Power management begins with the UPS power feeds. Manage virtually any power distribution design whether it is PDUs or RPPs, whether it is homerun distribution or overhead power busways, or whether it is single phase or 3 -phase sources and loads. This screen helps visualize the circuit breaker panel as it exists in the PDU. This is critical in keeping all three phases in the data centre balanced. Automate Data and Power Connections Once items such as servers and network equipment are assigned, automation tools simplify the building of relationships between these items. Whether it is a single or multi-hop connection, whether it is a network, SAN, point-to-point, or power connection, manage end-to-end connections based on user- defined rules. Such rules can include IP subnets, VLANs, cable color code, cable labeling, and power circuit diversity. Change Management Move, Adds and Change management (MAC) offers a clear and well-defined workflow to support and enforce best practices throughout the data center organization. Any significant change such as adding, deleting, or moving an item requires the user to follow a structured request process. Work orders are issued to affect the requested change. Each step in this process is tracked by date, time and user name for future audit trail. Reports and Search Utilities Reports are produced that include text and graphics to provide system details and environmental capacity metrics for proactive and effective management. The reports’ user interface has a comprehensive filtering and sorting utility. The search and trace utilities provide quick methods for looking up items or connections by providing key information about the item or any component of the connection path. |
Visualize Cabinet Elevations
Data centre managers can visualize a group of cabinet elevations on a single screen. Cabinets can be grouped by physical adjacencies such as data centre rows or logical groupings based on cabinet content. With another click, the elevation views can be changed to front, rear, or descriptive text views. Whether viewing the cabinet row from the front or rear, the cabinet left to right order can be set to match actual order or alphabetical order. Visualize Power Path A tool to visualize the full electrical circuit dependency beginning with the data centre power source downstream to the rack PDU receptacle. Server and Network Items These screens allow the user to view, edit and add server and network items. From a single server screen, screen, support for standalone servers, blade servers, and virtual servers. The user can assign an unlimited number of network and power ports and applications to each device, which can be instantly visualized on the device front and rear views. Built-in intelligence will allow the user to assign IP addresses and VLANs from available networks as well as assign color codes. IP Address and VLAN Management Simplifies IP space management in the data center thus eliminating cumbersome and error-prone spreadsheets. It defines subnets using an intelligent IP address calculator and assigns each subnet a name, a location, a VLAN number, and color codes. Then it assigns subnets to switches to manage VLANs. Remembering subnet ranges and default gateways with complex subneting is a daunting task. Let the IP query identify the subnet and its details for any IP address with ease. e connection path. Power Outlets and Power Strips Management Advanced power management to help data center managers achieve maximum efficiency in power consumption. Real-time SNMP plug-ins allow users to capture actual power draws, temperature, and humidity from smart power strips. Automate Move Management When moving a device or a server from one cabinet to another, a chain of related tasks occurs. Automation tools do the hard work. The process begins by suggesting a suitable cabinet that has sufficient rack unit space and power resources. Additionally, based on user-defined rules, it will guide the user in finding the optimal network resources such as IP subnet, VLAN, and cable color code. Disconnect and new connection work orders are then automatically generated. connection path. Library A visual library of items including servers, hosts, network equipment, PDUs, power strips, and data cabling panels is available. It also includes a comprehensive library of power and data connectors. Each item comes ready with attributes such as manufacturer name, model, size, rack units, power draw, and heat dissipation. It also includes front and rear views of each item. Users can also edit and add items to the library as needed. |